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Escaping HTML in Java

March 02, 20105 min read

escaping jsp cover

HTML uses some special characters to control how a page is displayed. These characters need to be escaped before placed on a page if they are to be displayed as part of the page content (and not just to control how the page appears). This is similar to the way double quote characters in a C/C++ string have to be escaped in order for code to compile properly. Therefore, a web application needs to escape all user input before rendering HTML back to the user.

There are 2 ways to deal with this, both with their strengths and weaknesses:

  1. Filtering - throwing away all characters that are not in the set of acceptable input characters.

  2. Escaping special characters - escaping all special characters by turning them into their respective HTML entities.

In this short article we will cover the second way. We note however that in order to effectively protect against Cross Site Scripting(XSS) vulnerabilities a combination of both approaches may need to be used. Automated testing are the key to ensuring your application handles all input correctly, preventing malicious acts.

In PHP there is a very useful function: htmlentities which escapes all the potentially risky characters. Java does not have a built-in library to do this, but apache offers StringEscapeUtils you can download here. This library offer two methods for handling HTML, enscapeHtml and unescapeHtml, you can use to do the same thing.

However, if you look at the code, you will notice it uses an older version of Java before support for regular expressions was added. This makes the code more complicated. Therefore, I created my own utility class to encode and decode html entities. It is easy to extend and modify. Without any further ado here is the code:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

  * This class offers methods to decode and encode html entities.
  * @author Michael Yagudaev
  * @version 1.2 April 9, 2011
public class HtmlEntities
    private static Map<String, Character> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Character>();

        map.put("&quot;", (char) 34);
        map.put("&amp;", (char) 38);
        map.put("&lt;", (char) 60);
        map.put("&gt;", (char) 62);
        map.put("&nbsp;", (char) 160);
        map.put("&iexcl;", (char) 161);
        map.put("&cent;", (char) 162);
        map.put("&pound;", (char) 163);
        map.put("&curren;", (char) 164);
        map.put("&yen;", (char) 165);
        map.put("&brvbar;", (char) 166);
        map.put("&sect;", (char) 167);
        map.put("&uml;", (char) 168);
        map.put("&copy;", (char) 169);
        map.put("&ordf;", (char) 170);
        map.put("&laquo;", (char) 171);
        map.put("&not;", (char) 172);
        map.put("&shy;", (char) 173);
        map.put("&reg;", (char) 174);
        map.put("&macr;", (char) 175);
        map.put("&deg;", (char) 176);
        map.put("&plusmn;", (char) 177);
        map.put("&sup2;", (char) 178);
        map.put("&sup3;", (char) 179);
        map.put("&acute;", (char) 180);
        map.put("&micro;", (char) 181);
        map.put("&para;", (char) 182);
        map.put("&middot;", (char) 183);
        map.put("&cedil;", (char) 184);
        map.put("&sup1;", (char) 185);
        map.put("&ordm;", (char) 186);
        map.put("&raquo;", (char) 187);
        map.put("&frac14;", (char) 188);
        map.put("&frac12;", (char) 189);
        map.put("&frac34;", (char) 190);
        map.put("&iquest;", (char) 191);
        map.put("&times;", (char) 215);
        map.put("&divide;", (char) 247);
        map.put("&Agrave;", (char) 192);
        map.put("&Aacute;", (char) 193);
        map.put("&Acirc;", (char) 194);
        map.put("&Atilde;", (char) 195);
        map.put("&Auml;", (char) 196);
        map.put("&Aring;", (char) 197);
        map.put("&AElig;", (char) 198);
        map.put("&Ccedil;", (char) 199);
        map.put("&Egrave;", (char) 200);
        map.put("&Eacute;", (char) 201);
        map.put("&Ecirc;", (char) 202);
        map.put("&Euml;", (char) 203);
        map.put("&Igrave;", (char) 204);
        map.put("&Iacute;", (char) 205);
        map.put("&Icirc;", (char) 206);
        map.put("&Iuml;", (char) 207);
        map.put("&ETH;", (char) 208);
        map.put("&Ntilde;", (char) 209);
        map.put("&Ograve;", (char) 210);
        map.put("&Oacute;", (char) 211);
        map.put("&Ocirc;", (char) 212);
        map.put("&Otilde;", (char) 213);
        map.put("&Ouml;", (char) 214);
        map.put("&Oslash;", (char) 216);
        map.put("&Ugrave;", (char) 217);
        map.put("&Uacute;", (char) 218);
        map.put("&Ucirc;", (char) 219);
        map.put("&Uuml;", (char) 220);
        map.put("&Yacute;", (char) 221);
        map.put("&THORN;", (char) 222);
        map.put("&szlig;", (char) 223);
        map.put("&agrave;", (char) 224);
        map.put("&aacute;", (char) 225);
        map.put("&acirc;", (char) 226);
        map.put("&atilde;", (char) 227);
        map.put("&auml;", (char) 228);
        map.put("&aring;", (char) 229);
        map.put("&aelig;", (char) 230);
        map.put("&ccedil;", (char) 231);
        map.put("&egrave;", (char) 232);
        map.put("&eacute;", (char) 233);
        map.put("&ecirc;", (char) 234);
        map.put("&euml;", (char) 235);
        map.put("&igrave;", (char) 236);
        map.put("&iacute;", (char) 237);
        map.put("&icirc;", (char) 238);
        map.put("&iuml;", (char) 239);
        map.put("&eth;", (char) 240);
        map.put("&ntilde;", (char) 241);
        map.put("&ograve;", (char) 242);
        map.put("&oacute;", (char) 243);
        map.put("&ocirc;", (char) 244);
        map.put("&otilde;", (char) 245);
        map.put("&ouml;", (char) 246);
        map.put("&oslash;", (char) 248);
        map.put("&ugrave;", (char) 249);
        map.put("&uacute;", (char) 250);
        map.put("&ucirc;", (char) 251);
        map.put("&uuml;", (char) 252);
        map.put("&yacute;", (char) 253);
        map.put("&thorn;", (char) 254);
        map.put("&yuml;", (char) 255);

      * Find the Html Entity and convert it back to a regular character if the
      * entity exists, otherwise return the same string.
      * @param str
      * @return Character represented by HTML Entity or the same string if unknown entity.
    private static String fromHtmlEntity(String str)
      Character ch = map.get(str);
      return ( ch != null ) ? ch.toString() : str;

      * Finds the value and returns the key that corresponds to that value. If value not found
      * returns null.
      * @param value The value to be found.
      * @return The key corresponding to the value that was found or null if value not found.
    private static String findValue(char value)
      Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
      Iterator<String> i = keySet.iterator();
      String key =; // key
      boolean found = false;
      String result = null;

      while(i.hasNext() && !found)
        if(map.get(key).charValue() == value)
          found = true;
          result = key;

        key =;

      return result;

      * Converts special characters in ASCII into html entities (e.g. & -> &amp;)
      * @param encode The string to be encoded.
      * @return The encoded string with HTML entities.
    public static String encode(String encode)
      StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(encode);
      String key;
      int i = 0;

      // loop over all the characters in the string
      while(i < str.length())
        // try matching a character to an entity
        key = findValue(str.charAt(i));
        if(key != null)
          str.replace(i, i + 1, key);
          i += key.length();

      return str.toString();

      * Converts html entities (e.g. &amp;) into real characters (ASCII characters, e.g. &amp; -> &)
      * @param decode A string to be decoded.
      * @return The string decoded with no HTML entities.
    public static String decode(String decode)
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(decode);
        Matcher m = Pattern.compile("&[A-Za-z]+;").matcher(str);
        String replaceStr = null;

        int matchPointer = 0;
        while (m.find(matchPointer))
          // check if we have a corresponding key in our map
          replaceStr = fromHtmlEntity(;
          str.replace(m.start(), m.end(), replaceStr);
          matchPointer = m.start() + replaceStr.length();

        return str.toString();
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