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Re-Imagining the World with AR

March 17, 20182 min read

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Like many of you I watched Apple’s Key Notes on June 5, 2017 and saw the introduction ARKit. It seemed cool, but no more than an entrainment toy. I’ve also played around with Oculus, Microsoft Holo Lens and Google Cardboard. They all seemed promising, but just yet another way to enjoy games and media.

It all changed when I saw the following video

This presents a new dimension of possibilities. Imagine being able to browse furniture to add to your house. No more guessing, returns and buying items that only end-up in a landfill.

We could plan entire cities and real-estate development projects on a 1-to-1 scale. As construction starts we can visualize the next steps in construction and avoid this situation:

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Imagine having a 3D scan of yourself and being able to walk around and see how you look in different outfits.

How would this change the Home Renovation Industry? A tiny $326.1B industry.

Education is another interesting application. Just take a look at what DAQRI is doing with Elements 4D.

As you see others have done this before, however, this is the first time it is coming to a mainstream device like the iPhone. That is extremely exciting and we can’t wait to play with it. Stay tuned and we will share our creations soon.

What if we combined the Apple Pen and ARKit? What kind of art would we be able to create? Could we take notes in 3D space?

What kind of productivity application would we have?

Perhaps I am most excited about the opportunity to combine everything I learned in the last 16 years about Programming, Design, Human Computer Interaction, 3D Modelling and Business into one package.

For more interesting applications see the links below.

Mixed reality comes to your iPhone thanks to the Bridge headset _Three years ago, the company released the Structure sensor, a fascinating bit of depth-sensing tech that was originally…

Latest Apps to Showcase Apple's ARKit Include Simple Measuring Tape and Minecraft _iOS developers have already gotten their hands on ARKit, Apple's latest platform which enables developers to quickly…

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