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September 03, 2012∙1 min read

winnipeg js cover

I collaborated with one of my favoriate designers Vadim Brodsky to create a website for the Javascript User Group in Winnipeg. Needless to say he did a great job creating a nice, elagent yet simple design. It is exactly what I wanted for our new group. Find the new website here:

It only took about 6 hours for me to get the website up and running from the first line of code to deploying it on Heroku. Being the JS group we of course had to do it in Node.js. We chose to use Express.js which is one of the most popular Node frameworks. To keep things simple we stuck with the defaults express comes with: the excellent Jade templating language and the directory structure it provides to a new project. We also decided not to use a database and instead serve it as static content. If content needs to be modified the community can submit a pull request for the changes.

Of course all the source is available on github at Moreover, we even added the photoshop files Vadim created for us so you can get a glimpse into the entire process. Be sure to check it out and contribute to the project.

© 2025 Michael Yagudaev